Earnings Disclaimer

At Cue Maniac LLC, we strive to provide our audience with valuable information and resources. In order to keep our website running and to continue providing this service, we earn money through a few different methods.

One way we earn money is through affiliate marketing. When a user clicks on one of our affiliate links and makes a purchase, we earn a commission on the sale. This commission comes at no additional cost to the user.

We also earn money through display advertising. We partner with various companies to display their ads on our website. These ads help us to generate revenue and continue providing valuable content to our audience.

It’s important to note that we only promote products or services that we truly believe in and that we think would be beneficial to our audience. We take great care in ensuring that the products and services we promote align with our mission and values.

We appreciate your support and understanding as we work to continue providing valuable resources to our audience.

Amazon Disclosure

CueManiac.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.